Since 2004, Gymnastics Revolution has hosted the finest Invitational event, the Team Challenge. This year, held at the Newtown Youth Academy, will be no different! This event features gymnasts from USAG Levels 2-10, and Xcel Bronze - Sapphire. Come compete with the best, January 31 - February 2, 2025!

Meet:  Team Challenge 2025

Host:  Gymnastics Revolution

Meet Director:  Brian Bakalar


Site: Newtown Youth Academy

Format: Modified Capitol Cup Format

2 gyms running simultaneously

Scoring:  ProScore

Equipment:  AAI, provided by DGS

Entry Fee:  $200/athlete-Levels 3-10, XS, XG, XP, XD, XSa

Entry Fee: $180/athlete-Level 2, XB

Team Fee:  $60 per team, 3 scores count

Gate/Admission Fee:  $0

Level Changes by 12/1/2024

Scratch Deadline 12/15/2024

Final Payments Due 1/15/2025

all payments to GRPA


Special Thanks from Special Olympics CT -- with all of your help, we blew past $45000 in donations over the weekend!

Thank you all for helping to make a difference!

Grand Championships:

1st  Gym Spectrum 769.35

2nd  Gym Rev  764.85

3rd:  Aim High  763.80

Another great year in the books...  see you in 2026!

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